Past, present and future
Adriatica Macchine is a company that was founded in the Sixties, with the name of “Adriatica Levigatrici”, thanks to the passion of Dino and Guido Cappelli. In 1976 the name of the company changed in “Adriatica Macchine”, beginning to sell and rent building equipment. During the years, due to the changes of the market and to the trade growth, also the other two brothers joined the company. The founders are still in charge of the management of the firm, but now are supported by their sons, and the new generations are practicing the same values of the pioneers.
Nowadays the company deals with sanders, but the real focus is the sale, rental and assistance of cranes, machinery and building equipment. Adriatica Macchine is a guarantee of quality, security, knowledge, expertise and reliability. The company has a warehouse of 3.000 mq and a service area of 8.000 mq: these characteristics, together with an expert and specialized staff, assure a continuous availability of the goods that the clients require.

Quality as our trademark
To guarantee the high satisfaction of the client and a constant improvement, Adriatica Macchine decided to join a Quality Management System Certification that complies with the international norms UNI EN ISO 9001:2008. In this way, with a dynamic and efficient work environment, the
company checks its activities, constantly evaluating its performances with quantitative and statistical parameters: the goal is to always improve the services given to the clients, especially in a field, like the one of construction industry, more and more focused on security.